Lucere Legal

How Delegated Virtual Assistants Helped This Law Firm Solve a Crisis of Professionalism at Reception

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We just appreciate how they operate and everything they've done for us.

Kimberly Hanlon, Partner

Industry: Legal
Small business owners and their families
Lack of professionalism, plus time spent hiring and training receptionist
 Dedicated virtual receptionist

Hours Per Month
May 2019
Customer Since

1. Background

Lucere Legal is a virtual law firm focused on helping small business owners and their families with all their legal needs. They handle everything from legal business issues to estate planning, probate, and litigation.

Kimberly Hanlon and Sommer Spector Angstman are the cofounders and partners behind the firm. When they started Lucere Legal, Kimberly and Sommer knew they wanted to do things differently—by building an internal culture that prioritized the client experience just as much as the legal results.

That approach saw their practice take off with small business owners and their families, who valued the flexibility and collaborative approach they took. It’s also a big part of what led them to Delegated.

As Sommer told us, “I wanted to make sure that when our clients call, they get a friendly voice that’s going to listen to them and bring them into the firm. Our brand is the personal touch that other law firms don't give.”

2. Their Challenge

“Reception is an incredibly hard position to fill—especially when it comes to a law firm.”

According to Sommer and Kimberly, reception had become a problem for their firm. Their current solution to their virtual reception needs was suffering from a lack of professionalism, something that had begun to cause more and more problems for the firm from within.

“Our previous receptionist was really wonderful with our clients, but she didn't understand that we were her client, not our clients,” Sommer explained. That mismatch led to a myriad of issues with professionalism, and it began to create discord within the firm.

“We would set up systems and processes and then our receptionist would pick and choose which aspects or which systems and processes she was willing to play nice with,” Kimberly said. “She just wasn't onboard with making our firm what we needed to make it.”

“During one of our hiccups, she shut down our reception desk for a short period of time. And we can't have that. People depend on us—our clients depend on us and our attorneys depend on us to be bringing work into them,” Sommer said.

That was the final straw for Kimberly and Sommer, who began searching for a better solution to their needs at reception.

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3. The Solution

When Sommer and Kimberly began their search, they knew they wanted to find a VA company that would take care of the hiring and training process for them—a company that would take onboarding and turnover issues completely off their plate.

“We needed to have a firm that would train any new administrative assistant that was specifically dedicated to us because it's a lot of lost productivity when we have to train them.”

During the search for a firm that could handle their onboarding and training, Sommer and Kimbely interviewed 7 different companies. “I did a pretty thorough interview because you're the first voice our clients hear,” she told us. 

“I needed to make sure that the company was in line with our culture. And so the questions I asked were to try and divine whether or not they have the same type of culture. That means they have to treat their own people really well—I needed to know that I was hiring a company that wasn't just churn and burn with their receptionists because that's going to come through when they answer the phone for us,” Sommer continued. “I wanted to make sure that they were happy employees within their own employer.”

That search led them to us.

4. The Results

“Red Butler jumped in, took the ball, and ran with it.”

Kimberly and Sommer have been working with Delegated and their receptionist for about a year now, and they’ve been incredibly happy with the ease and professionalism they’ve experienced. They have a dedicated receptionist who handles calls into their firm Monday through Friday from 9 to 5.

In the beginning, they had a ramp up period of 30-45 days when Kimberly and Sommer got their new receptionist up to speed on their processes, their brand, and the firm as a whole. As Sommer explained, they “created a bunch of Dropbox folders with all that our receptionist would need in order to respond to emails, calls, and referrals—plus how to send it out to each attorney.”

From there, “Red Butler jumped in, took the ball, and ran with it,” according to Kimberly. 

Both women noted that their stress level has been drastically reduced since then. “Every person that we've worked with have just been lovely people,” Kimberly said. “They've done a very good job of finding good people to work with us.”

“I've been very happy with Red Butler,” Sommer added. “I've even recommended them to 4 or 5 other people that have small businesses, including one of my clients.”

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5. Q&A Section

Q: Who do you recommend VAs to and why?

I have recommended them to my clients who don't need a full time receptionist and who are tired of training after receptionists leave. And I’ve also recommended them to other law firms.

Q: In your mind, what’s the most valuable part of working with Delegated?

The fact that they are training every new administrative assistant, that there's consistency in the way our phones are answered and consistency in the way that our prospects are doled out to our attorneys. As well as the friendly, kind, and patient demeanor that we have dealt with, with every single administrative assistant.

It's really great that when somebody decides to move on or whatever, Red Butler has somebody else, so we're not having to take our time to find that person and bring them up to speed. Because otherwise, we would be spending all of our time onboarding instead of actually working our business.

Q: What challenges did you face in getting set up with Delegated VAs?

We really had to convince our own people how well Red Butler would work... We not only had to get red Butler trained on our processes, our branding, and our structure, but we also had to get our people on board as well. And so part of that meant Red Butler wasn't going to get a lot of forgiveness by at least one or two of our attorneys in the beginning, but [our VA] did a phenomenal job and that attorney who was particularly stubborn about it quickly came onboard.

Q: Are there any keys or magic tidbits you can share about how to be successful working with VAs?

We had a lot of our processes documented already and together in a format that they were ready to be handed over. And so that made it pretty seamless for somebody to be able to pick up the ball and run with it... I would say the more you have that really outline in detail your processes and the information that people need to know, the better.